Sacred Heart Church, Madanthyar organised a training session for 21 commissions on Sunday, 26th September 2021, after 7:45am mass.

Fr Joseph Martis was the resource person. He briefly explained about the structure of the diocese , the views of the Bishop regarding these commissions and why these commissions are necessary for the smooth functioning of the parish, deaneries and the diocese at large. He also explained how these commissions will work in the future.

Most of them did not have an idea about the newly formed commissions. So at the end there was a Q&A session, where most of them raised their queries and the queries were answered by the speaker and everyone got a clear picture about the role and functioning of the commissions.

This training was arranged by the Parish priest Fr Basil Vas, Co-ordinator Mr Vivek Vincent Pais, Vice President Mr Leo Rodrigues and Secretary Mr Jerald Moras.

Around 300 parishioners attended this training.

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