Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco or F.M.A.or Daughters Of Mary Help of Christians
We, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians also known as FMA or the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco , are proud to belong to a vast movement known as Salesian Family. Our Institute was founded in 1872 by St. John Bosco and St. Maria Domenica Mazzarello through the direct intervention of Mary and as a response to the profound hopes and aspirations of young people . We commit ourselves to educating and serving young people of all ages especially the poor and marginalized. Our Educative mission is carried on in the style of Don Bosco’s Preventive System based on Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness. We also assist women and young people at risk and accompany them in their search for meaning in life. Our Institute numbers nearly 14,523 world-wide and is the second largest Community of Religious Women in the world. We are consecrated to God, unafraid of confronting the challenges encountered in the world of youth. A simple but deep prayer life, a strong community life, and a youth-centered ministry energize us to face life’s challenges in order to bring about a more just and humane society.
Our Province (I About FMA Mumbai)
Our Province known as the Province of St. Mary Mazzarello, Mumbai (INB) was canonically erected on 24th May 1982. We follow in the footsteps of Jesus who came to bring “Good News” to the poor. We commit ourselves daily to work for the poor and underprivileged young people and women with the heart of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. Our Province reaches out in service to the four states of our Country – Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka and Maharashtra.
We have 32 Centres in our Province carrying out various ministries such as Educational Ministry (formal and non-formal), Youth Ministry, Social Ministry, Media Minsitry and Pastoral Involvement in the Local Church. In our educational services much importance is placed on Faith-Formation, Value Education and Media Education. We reach out to young people and women through our mission of love in different types of schools, youth-centres, boarding homes, student-centres, professional schools, shelter-homes for street children, community colleges, hostels for working girls and women empowerment programmes including SHGS and integral human-social promotion through as health-education and livelihood programmes.
Our Founder St. John (DON ) Bosco and co- foundress St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello
Under the Direct Inspiration Mary Help of Christians .
We are Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, popularly known as Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco, founded by Don Bosco in 1872 as a living monument of his gratitude to Mary, the Mother of God whom we honour as our mother, teacher and guide… We belong to a vast movement known as Salesian Family.
Our Institute is the fruit of a love that was born of the great heart of Don Bosco and of the simple and creative fidelity of Mary Mazzarello.
The Salesian sisters continue to keep alive the flame of this love lit in every continent. They share Christ’s mission in the Church especially through Christian education in the style of the Preventive system – a system of loving kindness, drawn from the heart of Christ Himself.
We are a family united in Christ
to witness, to serve,
reaching out to the young
in every part of the world.
The works and services undertaken by the FMA sisters in Madanthyar are A Hostel for college students , a Boarding for school girls from STd V upwards , Parish Ministry, Administration in the parish English medium School’, Visit to mission centers – Salesian Co-operators, Catechesis in the parish .
21st Nov. 1985 on the feast of the Presentation of Our Lady, marked a red lettered day in the annals M.M. Mumbai Province . One more convent to praise the Lord and care for the Youth was opened just at the tail of tail end of International Year of Youth. Just as Mary was presented in the temple as a little child , a group of pioneers, Sr. Caroline Fernadndes, Sr. Assumptina fernandes and Sr. Teresa Joseph was presented to the new Mission at Madanthyar, in the diocese of Mangalore under the Bishopric of His Lordship Rt. Rev. Basil D’Souza.
The Parish Priest Rev Fr. Fred V. Pereira together with his colleagues and the faithful were praying very fervently for the arrival of some sisters to take up a renewed apostolate left blank suddenly. The answer was given during the Novena to the sacred Heart of Jesus through a personal contact with the Salesian Sisters , Sr. Teresa Castellino provincial secretary and Sr. Marie D’Silva who came in quest of vocations. Thus the dream has now become a reality when the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the instrumentality of His Beloved Mother sent her loving daughters on her feast day, the Salesian Sister of Don Bosco. The First three sisters arrived accompanied by Mother Provincial Rev. Sr, Helen Fernades,Sr. Alzira Albuquerque, the Provincial Bursur . A grand warm welcome was accorded to the by the Parish Priest, his assistants , school children, staff of the primary and secondary school. They were then garlanded and introduced to the staff and students as “ Amchi Sisters “ are here to look after the various needs of our Parish. On the 22nd November the foundation stone laid by His Lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Basil D’Souza at 5. 30 p.m. Soon the construction for the Girls’ Hostel commenced to be finished by June before the P.U.C. classes could begin. With our Lady’s help assisted by the Parish clergy and people around the Hostel was inaugurated. At the request of the Parish Priest A sister to teach English for the P .U.C . section was agreed upon and Sr. Elizabeth Augustine B.Sc. B.Ed. M.A. literature , to teach English in the college 1986 – 87 onwards and Sr. Teresa Joseph was transferred.
Thus the Convent and hostel by Name “MARIA KRIPA CENTRE” was inaugurated on 10th June 1986 . in the presence of Sacred Heart Parish Priest, Assistants, Mother Provincial and Salesian Sisters along with a few Parish council Members.
At present Sr Prema Tauro is the superior and Sr Elizabeth Augustine, Sr Jacintha Pinto, Sr Mary Lobo and Sr Kavitha Dias are residing in this community and spreading the message of Christ through their way of life.
Don Bosco Salesian Spirituality: Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco
Don Bosco took the essence of the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales, and certain elements of Ignatian, Alphonsian and Teresian spiritualities and distilled them through his own personal charism under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and out came the Salesian spirituality. It is based on the Christian humanism of St. Francis de Sales who taught that sanctity is not the prerogative of only few chosen souls and it can be achieved by anyone who has the will to work for it. Don Bosco proved it by leading boys from the street to sainthood. Dominic Savio the teenage saint was a pupil of Don Bosco. Similarly, Bl. Laura Vicuna’ was a boarder with our sisters in Argentina. Don Bosco made his own the motto of St. Francis de Sales: “Give me souls, take away the rest”.
Salesian spirituality is a spirituality of pastoral charity inspired by the compassionate love of Christ the Good Shepherd. It is Sacramental, Marian, rooted in the Word of God, joyful, optimistic and youthful. Daily life is the place of encounter with the Lord. A great love for the Pope and the Church, and concern and self – forgetting love for others are other outstanding characteristics.
Don Bosco took the essence of the spirituality of St. Francis de Sales, and certain elements of Ignatian, Alphonsian and Teresian spiritualities and distilled them through his own personal charism under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and out came the Salesian spirituality. It is based on the Christian humanism of St. Francis de Sales who taught that sanctity is not the prerogative of only few chosen souls and it can be achieved by anyone who has the will to work for it. Don Bosco proved it by leading boys from the street to sainthood. Dominic Savio the teenage saint was a pupil of Don Bosco. Similarly, Bl. Laura Vicuna’ was a boarder with our sisters in Argentina. Don Bosco made his own the motto of St. Francis de Sales: “Give me souls, take away the rest”.
Salesian spirituality is a spirituality of pastoral charity inspired by the compassionate love of Christ the Good Shepherd. It is Sacramental, Marian, rooted in the Word of God, joyful, optimistic and youthful. Daily life is the place of encounter with the Lord. A great love for the Pope and the Church, and concern and self – forgetting love for others are other outstanding characteristics.