The members of Franciscan 3rd order celebrated their Annual feast on 18th October 2020. The feast began with festal Mass. The Franciscan brothers and sisters took part in the liturgy. After the mass in the Church Mini hall, stage program was organized. Fr Basil Vas, Parish Priest, Regional Spiritual director Fr Anil, Regional President Mr Cyprian, Assistant Parish Priest Fr Steevan Coutinho, Vice President Mr Leo Rodrigues, Secretary Mr Jerald Moras were present on the dais. The president of the Order Mr Lancy Dcunha welcomed the gathering, secretary Mr Lawrence Dsouza read the annual report and treasurer Mrs Jascinta declared the annual accounts. Parish secretary Mr Jerald Moras compered the entire program and Fr Basil Vas gave his message and emphasized everyone to walk on the footsteps of St Francis of Assissi and try to build a strong church especially during this toug times of Corona pandemic. The program concluded with a fellowship meal.